5 Ways to Save on Your Mortgage Repayment Insurance

Mortgage Repayment Insurance pays the mortgage if you are unable to. Most people realise they need insurance to help their family.  If you get sick, injured or die you want to know your family is financially secure.  Here are five ways to help reduce the cost of your insurance.


1.  Have your policies with one company

Insurance companies charge administration fees on policies.  Placing your policies with one company reduces the administration fees. It also makes the claim process faster.


2.  Large cover discount

If you consolidate all your cover under one policy you may enjoy a discounted premium.


3.  Benefit Enhancements

Over the last couple of years there have been new improved benefits available on the market.  You should take advantage of the enhanced cover.


4.  Change your wait period

Changing your mortgage repayment insurance wait period from 4 to 13 weeks. This may well halve the premium.


5.  Shop Around

Compare insurance companies offers in terms of price and policy coverage. There are significant differences between insurers. You maybe able to get better policy coverage at a cheaper premium.


For further information, please contact www.propdup.nz or call 0800 PROPME, 0800 776 763



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